‘Baby’ the cat credited with saving the lives of a Illinois couple after house fire

‘Baby’ the cat saves Ill. couple from house fire

Persistent cat credited with saving the lives of a Illinois couple after house fire

Persistent cat saves Ill. couple from house fire

Pa. man fined $50 for using finger to write derogatory words on dirty cab of state truck

Pa. man fined for ‘dirty’ words on state truck

Wis. man ‘rocking out’ to the music of John Denver cited for unnecessary loud noise

Wis. man cited for ‘rocking out’ to John Denver

Man shoots out window to escape sinking SUV after veering off Northern Calif. road into creek

Calif. man shoots his way out of sinking SUV

North Dakota city gets a jump on February; new calendar issued by Grand Forks skips a day

North Dakota city skips a day on new calendar

Romania’s losing presidential candidate claims he was attacked with negative energy

Romanian claims negative energy lost him election