Bikini coffee shop sparks boycott in Colo.
NJ police: Students put animals in school ceilings
Deputies: Fla. beekeeper stole bees from rivals
Fla. man lends car to stranger, claims carjacking
Police: Break-in suspect falls asleep in hallway
Police: RI break-in suspect falls asleep in hall
Baseball team renames ‘BP’ to protest oil spill
NH woman allegedly assaults EMT workers
MONT VERNON, N.H. — A New Hampshire woman faces a felony charge after she allegedly assaulted three emergency medical technicians called to her Mont Vernon home on Monday. When the EMTs arrived, they found the woman, 28, sitting on her lawn. She said she was having trouble breathing.
Police: Jealous woman pepper sprays boyfriend
Jail officers astonished by inmate’s contraband