Warning goes out after Ala. inmate gets lost while playing a fugitive in a training exercise
By APFriday, July 9, 2010
Ala. inmate playing role of escapee gets lost
CAPSHAW, Ala. — The Limestone Correction Facility in Alabama might want to start handing out GPS devices with its prison-issued jumpsuits. Officials said an inmate playing a fugitive during a dog training exercise vanished into the woods Thursday. Warden Dorothy Goode said 37-year-old inmate David Hopkins was helping out the canine unit by playing an escapee but never showed up for head count.
A “be on the lookout” warning went out and Hopkins was found within about an hour. Goode said he got lost and was not trying to escape. He’s serving a life sentence for theft.
Information from: The Decatur Daily, www.decaturdaily.com/decaturdaily/index.shtml