Miracle Baby Ella Rose Riehle Born On 8/9/10 at 11:12

By Shaon, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

CINCINNATI (GaeaTimes.com) — The baby Ella Rose Riehle has born into fame. But the reason for her fame would seem to be quite coincidental. She was born on Thursday August 9 at 11:12.

So it basically means that her birth would be noted like 8/9/10 at 11:12. Well her mother, Teri Riehler would never have a tough time remembering her birthday for sure. The labor got really intense at around 11 am prompting the birth of the child. It never seemed before the intensified labor that such an event would be possible. The baby was in good health weighing in on at 6 pounds and 7 inches. The Doctor who attended the birth, Dr Heis said

Pushing and pushing and the heart rate was going down. And I said you have to push now. You have to get his baby out and baby popped out and I look at the clock and there it was 11:12. So somethings are just meant to be.

The event should be unbelievable for Ella Rose Riehle as she grows up. Such occasions rarely take place and is quite memorable.

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