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Dead Birds Dropping In Louisiana
LABARRE (GaeaTimes.com)- After Arkansas, it was time for the poor birds of Louisiana, to follow the same fate.
2,400-year-old ’soup’ Discovered by Chinese Archaeologists near Xian
SHAANXI, CHINA (GaeaTimes.com) -- According to State Media reports, Chinese archaeologists have discovered what they believe is a 2,400 year old pot of 'soup' within a sealed bronze cooking vessel.
Man Changes Name from ‘Smith’ to ‘Captain Awesome’!!
EUGENE, OREGON (GaeaTimes.com) -- We have all heard of those people who are not satisfied with their name given by their parents.
Africa’s ‘Terrible Hairy Fly’ now Discovered in Kenya
KENYA (GaeaTimes.com) -- "Terrible Hairy Fly", a rare and odd looking fly which was earlier thought to be a species from Africa, has been recently discovered by scientists in Kenya.
Alive Mice Found in the Chinese Noodles!!!
ESSEX (Gaeatimes.com) -- Watch out! Your favorite Chinese noodle might have a mouse in it.
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